2024 SEO Trends: The State of SEO for TikTok, AI, E-E-A-T, and More This Year

In this article, we will dive deep into these key areas, exploring the state of SEO for TikTok, the role of AI in modern SEO practices, and the implications of the E-E-A-T framework.

With 2024 well underway, the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) industry continues to
evolve at an unprecedented pace, driven by technological advancements and changing
user behaviours. This year, we are witnessing a transformative shift in how SEO is
approached, with platforms like TikTok redefining content consumption, Artificial
Intelligence (AI) revolutionising traditional SEO tactics, and the expanded E-E-A-T
(Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) framework setting new
standards for content quality.

Initially perceived as a platform for entertainment, TikTok has emerged as a significant
player in the digital marketing arena. Its unique algorithm and engaging content format
offer new avenues for SEO strategies, making it an essential tool for brands and content
creators. Understanding how to optimise content for TikTok’s search algorithm is
becoming as crucial as traditional search engines.

AI integration in SEO is another game-changer. AI tools are reshaping how SEO
professionals work, from automated keyword research to content creation and SEO
analytics. These tools enhance efficiency and bring a level of precision and
personalisation previously unattainable.

Furthermore, the introduction of the E-E-A-T framework marks a significant shift in how
search engines evaluate content quality. Going beyond the established E-A-T
parameters, this expanded framework puts a greater emphasis on the user’s experience
and the practical value of the content. Adapting to this framework is vital for websites
aiming to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs).

In this article, we will dive deep into these key areas, exploring the state of SEO for
TikTok, the role of AI in modern SEO practices, and the implications of the E-E-A-T
framework. We’ll also touch upon other significant trends shaping the SEO landscape in
2024, providing insights and strategies to help you stay ahead in this ever-changing
digital world.

The Rise of TikTok in SEO

In digital marketing, SEO for TikTok and social media platforms have rapidly ascended
as a formidable force, altering the dynamics of SEO. There are now over 2,000 million
users globally. Once a platform predominantly for short-form entertainment videos,
TikTok has become an integral part of marketing strategies, owing to its massive user
base and unique content dissemination methods. Unlike traditional search engines, its
algorithm caters to the discovery of content, making it a critical platform for brands and
creators aiming to enhance their online visibility.

TikTok’s Growing Influence in Digital Marketing:

● User Engagement: With millions of active users globally, TikTok offers
unparalleled engagement rates. This surge in user activity has transitioned
TikTok from a mere social platform to a significant search engine where people
discover products, services, and information.

● Content Discovery: Unlike traditional search engines that rely heavily on
keywords, TikTok’s algorithm promotes content based on user interactions,
watch time, and engagement metrics. This means that content can go viral
regardless of the creator’s follower count, offering a level playing field for all

Strategies for Optimising Content on TikTok for Better Search Visibility:
● Understanding the Algorithm: To optimise for TikTok, it’s essential to understand
its algorithm. Factors such as user interaction, video completion rates, and
relevance play a crucial role.

● Creating Engaging Content: The key to TikTok SEO is creating content that
resonates with your audience. This includes using trending hashtags, engaging in
challenges, and producing original, creative videos.

● Consistency and Timing: Posting content consistently and during peak times
when your audience is most active can significantly boost your visibility on the

Idahoan Foods Campaign

Overview: Idahoan Foods, seeking to build brand awareness on TikTok, launched a
two-part activation leveraging 14 influencers. The campaign aimed to tap into TikTok’s
food content craze by creatively using popular TikTok conventions.

Strategy and Execution: The first part of the campaign involved creating a custom
sound and an organic hashtag dance challenge, #mashoutchallenge, which included the
famous 1960s ‘Mashed Potato Dance’. The challenge was designed to be simple and
accessible, encouraging wide participation. The second part of the activation allowed
influencers creative freedom to showcase the product, aligning their videos with their
personal brand and audience preferences.

Results: The campaign surpassed guaranteed views by over 700%, achieving 14 million
views. The influencers’ videos hit a 20.13% engagement rate, well above the industry
benchmark for TikTok. Additionally, Idahoan Foods gained 3,700 followers on TikTok
following the campaign.

Key Takeaways:
● Community-Driven Content: Successful TikTok SEO strategies revolve around
community engagement and content that sparks user interaction.

● Leveraging Trends: Staying up-to-date with trending sounds, challenges, and
hashtags is crucial for visibility on TikTok.

● Authenticity Matters: Unlike other platforms, TikTok users value authenticity and
creativity. Brands must adapt their messaging to be more relatable and genuine
to connect with the TikTok audience.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and SEO

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been at the forefront of revolutionising Search Engine
Optimisation (SEO) strategies in recent years. Integrating AI into SEO offers many
opportunities and challenges, significantly impacting how businesses approach digital
marketing efforts. It is especially important for businesses that sell online and
eCommerce SEO expertise is essential to enable brands to compete.
AI’s Role in Reshaping SEO Strategies:

● Automated Insights: AI algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data at an
unprecedented pace, providing SEO professionals with deep insights into search
trends, user behaviour, and content performance.

● Personalisation: One of the most notable impacts of AI in SEO is the ability to
deliver highly personalised content to users. AI systems can tailor content to
individual preferences, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.
AI Tools for Keyword Research:

● SEMrush: This tool uses AI to provide comprehensive keyword research
capabilities. It can suggest long-tail keywords, analyse keyword difficulty and
offer insights into competitors’ keyword strategies.

● Ahrefs: Known for its robust keyword research functionalities, Ahrefs employs AI
to uncover keyword ideas based on search volume, keyword difficulty, and
ranking potential.

● MarketMuse: MarketMuse utilises AI to identify content gaps and keyword
opportunities by analysing your content and comparing it to top-performing
content in your industry.

AI Tools for Content Creation and Optimisation:

● Clearscope: This AI-driven content optimisation tool assists in creating highly
relevant content to target keywords. It provides recommendations for content
length, readability, and keyword usage.

● Grammarly: While primarily known for grammar checking, Grammarly uses AI to
enhance the clarity, engagement, and delivery of written content, making it more

● Surfer SEO: This tool uses AI to analyse SERPs and provides real-time
suggestions for optimising content, including headings, paragraph structure, and
keyword density.

AI Tools for SEO Analytics:

● BrightEdge: Utilising AI, BrightEdge offers real-time measurement of content
performance, helping in tracking rankings and understanding the impact of SEO

● Moz Pro: Incorporating AI elements, Moz Pro provides insights into site visibility,
backlink profiles, and keyword ranking, making it easier to track and improve SEO

● PaveAI: This tool turns analytics data into actionable insights using AI. It can
integrate data from Google Analytics and other platforms to provide
comprehensive reports on SEO performance.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges in Using AI for SEO:

● Data Privacy: With AI relying heavily on data, concerns about user privacy and
data protection are paramount. Ensuring compliance with data protection
regulations like GDPR is essential.

● Quality vs Quantity: While AI can produce content at scale, there is an ongoing
debate about the quality and authenticity of AI-generated content. Balancing
quantity with quality is crucial to maintain trust and authority.

● Dependence on Technology: Over-reliance on AI tools can lead to a lack of
human oversight, which is necessary to understand nuanced user needs and
maintain ethical SEO practices.

E-E-A-T: The New Standard in Content Quality

The digital marketing industry in 2024 has seen the emergence of the E-E-A-T
(Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) framework, an expanded
version of the previously established E-A-T criteria used by search engines to assess
content quality. This development marks a significant shift in how content is evaluated
for SEO purposes.

What is E-E-A-T? Understanding the Framework:

● Experience: The new ‘Experience’ component emphasises the importance of
firsthand experience and personal insight in content creation. It suggests that
content creators with direct experience in their topic are more likely to produce
valuable and authentic content.

● Expertise: Expertise remains a crucial factor, highlighting the need for content
creators to have specialised knowledge or skills in their respective fields.

● Authoritativeness: This aspect evaluates the creator’s credibility in the field,
including recognition by peers and publications.

● Trustworthiness: Trustworthiness assesses the accuracy, transparency, and
honesty of the content and the content creator.

E-A-T vs E-E-A-T: Impact on SEO:

● Broader Assessment: The addition of ‘Experience’ expands the scope of content
evaluation, placing a greater emphasis on personal narratives and real-world

● Enhanced User Reliability: With E-E-A-T, search engines can offer users more
reliable and experientially-rich content, enhancing user trust and satisfaction.

● Diversified Content Ranking: E-E-A-T allows for a more diverse range of content
to rank well, as it recognises the value of personal experience alongside
traditional indicators of expertise and authority.

Optimising Content According to E-E-A-T Guidelines:

● Showcasing Experience: Content creators should highlight their personal
experiences and real-life applications of their knowledge. This can include case
studies, personal stories, or practical examples.

● Establishing Expertise and Authority: Creators should showcase their
qualifications, endorsements, and recognitions to establish their expertise and
authority in their field.

● Building Trust: Ensuring content accuracy, citing reputable sources, and
maintaining transparency about affiliations or sponsored content are key to
building trust.

● User Engagement and Feedback: Encouraging user engagement and responding
to feedback can demonstrate attentiveness and commitment to providing
valuable content.

Voice Search Optimisation

As we progress through 2024, voice search continues to reshape the SEO landscape,
driven by advancements in AI and the growing popularity of voice assistants like
Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri. Understanding the nuances of voice
search optimisation is increasingly important for businesses looking to stay ahead.
Current Trends and Statistics on Voice Search Usage:

● Rising Popularity: A significant percentage of online searches are now conducted
through voice commands, with this trend expected to increase as technology
becomes more integrated into daily life.

● Changing Search Behaviours: Voice searches often involve longer, more
conversational queries compared to traditional text-based searches. This shift
calls for a different approach to keyword optimisation.

● Local Search Impact: Voice search is particularly prominent in local search
queries, with users frequently looking for nearby services or businesses.
Best Practices for Optimising for Voice Search in 2024:

● Focus on Conversational Keywords: Incorporate long-tail, conversational
keywords that mirror the way people naturally speak.

● Optimise for Local SEO: Ensure business listings are up-to-date on platforms like
Google My Business, and include local keywords and phrases in content.

● Create Q&A Content: Develop content that directly answers common questions in
your industry, as voice searches often take the form of questions.

● Mobile-Friendly Websites: With many voice searches conducted on mobile
devices, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is crucial.

● Improve Loading Speed: Fast-loading websites are essential for voice search
optimisation, as voice searches demand quick answers.

● Structured Data: Use schema markup to help search engines understand and
categorize the content, making it more likely to be used in voice search results.
The Role of Natural Language Processing in Improving Voice Search SEO:

● Understanding User Intent: Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies
enable search engines better to understand the context and intent behind voice

● Enhanced Content Relevance: NLP aids in aligning content with the
conversational nature of voice queries, thereby improving the chances of a
website ranking higher in voice search results.

● Personalisation: NLP allows for more personalised search experiences, as it can
interpret and learn from individual user patterns over time.

Local SEO: More Important Than Ever
In 2024, Local Search Engine Optimisation (Local SEO) has become more crucial than
ever for businesses seeking to attract a local audience. With the advent of sophisticated

mobile devices and the prevalence of ‘near me’ searches, the importance of optimizing
for local search cannot be overstated.

The Significance of Local SEO in 2024:

● Increased Mobile Usage: The surge in mobile device usage has led to a
corresponding rise in local searches. People are increasingly searching for
businesses, services, and products in their immediate vicinity.

● ‘Near Me’ Search Queries: These queries have become highly popular, making
local SEO vital for businesses looking to capture this audience.

● Personalised User Experience: Search engines like Google are prioritising local
results, offering users more personalised and relevant search experiences based
on their location.

Techniques for Improving Local SEO:

● Google My Business Optimisation: Ensuring your Google My Business (GMB)
listing is accurate, complete, and regularly updated is essential. This includes
correct business information, working hours, and relevant photos.

● Local Keywords: Incorporate local keywords and phrases into your website’s
content, meta tags, and URLs.

● Local Link Building: Building links with other local businesses and participating in
community events can improve your local SEO.

● Online Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews on your GMB listing and
other review platforms. Respond to these reviews to engage with your audience.

● Local Content: Create content that is relevant to your local audience, such as
local news, events, or information about your services in specific locations.

The Impact of Mobile Search Trends on Local SEO:

● Mobile-First Indexing: With Google’s mobile-first indexing, having a
mobile-friendly website is no longer optional. It’s essential for improving both
local SEO and overall user experience.

● Location-Based Services: Mobile devices often provide location data, which
search engines use to deliver geographically relevant search results. This makes
it crucial for businesses to optimise for local SEO.

● Voice Search: The integration of voice search on mobile devices influences local
SEO. People often use voice search for immediate, local needs, making it
important to optimise for conversational, local queries.

SEO for Video Content
In 2024, video content has become an indispensable component of effective SEO
strategies. With the rising consumption of video content across various platforms,
optimising videos for search engines is crucial for enhancing online visibility and

The Growing Importance of Video Content in SEO Strategies:

● Increased User Engagement: Videos are highly engaging and can significantly
increase the time users spend on a website, which is a key metric for search
engine rankings.

● Preference for Video Content: Search engines, recognising user preferences, are
increasingly indexing and ranking video content, making it a vital element of SEO

● Multi-Platform Visibility: Videos can be distributed across multiple platforms,
such as YouTube, TikTok, and embedded on websites, increasing the reach and
potential for backlinks.

Guidelines for Optimising Video Content for Better Search Rankings:

● Relevant and Quality Content: Ensure your videos provide value and are relevant
to your target audience. High-quality, informative, and engaging content will likely
be shared and linked to.

● Video SEO Best Practices: Optimise video titles, descriptions, and tags with
relevant keywords. Make sure these elements are engaging and accurately reflect
the video content.

● Transcripts and Captions: Adding transcripts and captions not only makes your
videos accessible to a wider audience, including those with hearing impairments
but also provides additional text for search engines to index.

● Thumbnail Optimisation: Create compelling thumbnails that accurately represent
your video content. A visually appealing thumbnail can significantly increase
click-through rates.

● Video Sitemaps: Use video sitemaps to provide search engines with metadata
about the video content on your website, helping it to be properly indexed.

Leveraging Platforms like YouTube alongside TikTok for Video SEO:

● YouTube SEO: As the second largest search engine, YouTube offers immense
potential for video SEO. Optimise your YouTube channel, use accurate and
keyword-rich video titles and descriptions, and encourage user engagement
(likes, comments, shares).

● TikTok for SEO: With its unique algorithm and vast user base, TikTok is a valuable
platform for video content. Create engaging, trend-based content, use relevant
hashtags, and engage with your audience through TikTok’s interactive features.

● Cross-Platform Strategy: Promote your videos across different platforms to
maximize reach. Embed YouTube videos on your website, share video content on
social media, and consider repurposing content to suit different platforms.
User Experience (UX) and SEO

In 2024, the interrelation between User Experience (UX) and Search Engine Optimisation
(SEO) has become increasingly prominent. Search engines like Google have refined their
algorithms to not only index and rank content based on relevance and authority but also
on the quality of the user experience offered by a website. This shift underscores the
importance of integrating UX into SEO strategies.

The Interrelation Between UX and SEO in 2024:

● User-Centric Algorithms: Modern search engine algorithms are designed to
reward websites that provide a positive user experience. This includes factors
like ease of navigation, engaging content, and minimal user frustration.

● Engagement Metrics: Search engines consider user engagement metrics such as
time on site, bounce rate, and click-through rate as indicators of the quality of UX,
which impacts SEO rankings.

● Holistic Approach to SEO: The focus on UX in SEO represents a shift from purely
technical and content-based optimisation to a more holistic approach that
encompasses the overall user journey on a website.

Importance of Mobile Optimisation, Site Speed, and User-Friendly Design:

● Mobile Optimisation: With the majority of searches conducted on mobile devices,
having a mobile-optimised website is essential. This includes responsive web design,
fast loading times, and easy navigation on smaller screens.

● Site Speed: Site speed is a critical UX factor. Slow-loading websites leads to
higher bounce rates and lower engagement, negatively impacting SEO.

● User-Friendly Design: A website’s design should facilitate an effortless and
enjoyable user experience. This includes clear navigation, readable content, and a
visually appealing layout.

Tools and Metrics for Assessing and Improving UX for SEO Purposes:

● Analytics Tools: Tools like Google Analytics provide valuable insights into user
behaviour, such as how users are interacting with your site, where they are
dropping off, and which pages are most engaging.

● Page Speed Tools: Tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights can help identify
areas where your website’s loading time can be improved.

● User Testing: Conducting user testing sessions can provide direct feedback on
the user experience of your website, highlighting areas for improvement.

● Heat Mapping Tools: Heat maps can show where users are clicking, scrolling,
and spending time on your site, offering visual insights into user engagement and

Sustainability and SEO

In the context of 2024, sustainability has emerged as a pivotal factor in Search Engine
Optimisation (SEO) strategies. As global awareness of environmental issues and
corporate responsibility grows, brands are recognising the importance of integrating
sustainable practices into their SEO strategies. This shift is a response to consumer
demand and a reflection of the evolving ethical standards in digital marketing.
The Emergence of Sustainability as a Factor in SEO:

● Growing Consumer Awareness: Consumers are increasingly seeking out
environmentally friendly and ethically responsible brands. This shift in consumer
behaviour is influencing how search engines rank websites.

● Search Engine Algorithms: Recognising this trend, search engines are beginning
to factor in a company’s sustainability practices into their ranking algorithms.
Websites that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability are likely to be

● Sustainable Content: Content that highlights a brand’s sustainability efforts, such
as eco-friendly practices, ethical sourcing, and community involvement, is
becoming more relevant and engaging to users.

How Brands are Integrating Sustainable Practices into their SEO

● Highlighting Sustainability on Websites: Brands are creating dedicated sections
on their websites to discuss their sustainability initiatives, which can improve
organic search visibility.

● Eco-Friendly Keywords: Incorporating sustainability-related keywords into content
can help brands rank higher in searches related to environmental responsibility.

● Sustainable Backlinking: Partnering with eco-friendly initiatives and websites for
backlinks can enhance a brand’s sustainability profile and SEO performance.

● Green Hosting and Web Practices: Opting for eco-friendly web hosting and
reducing the digital carbon footprint of websites can also contribute positively to
a brand’s SEO strategy.

The Role of Sustainable and Ethical Practices in Enhancing Brand
Reputation and SEO:

● Building Trust with Consumers: Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability
can significantly enhance a brand’s reputation and build trust with consumers,
which in turn can lead to better engagement and online visibility.

● Long-Term SEO Benefits: Sustainable and ethical practices contribute to a
positive brand image, which can lead to increased shares, backlinks, and
mentions — all of which are beneficial for SEO.

● Aligning with User Intent: As users increasingly search for eco-friendly and
ethical solutions, aligning content and SEO strategies with these values meets
user intent, improving search rankings.

Future Predictions and Emerging Trends

As we look beyond 2024, the landscape of SEO is poised for continued evolution,
shaped by technological advancements and changing user behaviours. Here, we
speculate on the future of SEO and highlight potential emerging trends and technologies
that are likely to influence this dynamic field.

1. Advanced AI and Machine Learning:

● Predictive Search Algorithms: Future SEO could see more advanced AI and
machine learning algorithms capable of predicting user search intent more
accurately, leading to highly personalised search results.

● Content Creation: AI might evolve to create even more sophisticated and
human-like content, challenging SEO professionals to maintain a balance
between AI-generated and human-crafted content.

2. Voice and Visual Search Proliferation:

● Dominance of Voice Search: As voice assistants become more advanced, voice
search is expected to dominate, especially in local SEO, requiring content to be
optimised for conversational queries.

● Visual Search Technology: Advances in visual search technology could lead to
more users searching with images, requiring websites to optimise visual content
for search engines.

3. Augmented Reality (AR) and SEO Integration:

● AR in Search Results: Augmented Reality could become integrated into search
results, offering users interactive and enhanced visual experiences directly from
the SERPs.

● Local Business Opportunities: AR presents unique opportunities for local
businesses to showcase their products or services in an immersive way,
potentially influencing local SEO strategies.

4. Mobile-First to Mobile-Only:

● Shift to Mobile-Only Indexing: With the increasing reliance on mobile devices,
search engines might shift from mobile-first to a mobile-only indexing approach,
making mobile optimisation not just important, but essential for SEO.

5. Sustainability as a Ranking Factor:

● Eco-Friendly SEO Practices: Sustainability might become a more pronounced
ranking factor, with search engines possibly giving preference to websites with
lower digital carbon footprints or those demonstrating sustainable practices.

6. Increased Focus on User Privacy and Data Security:

● Privacy-Focused SEO: With growing concerns about data privacy, there could be a
shift towards more privacy-focused SEO practices. Search engines might
prioritise websites that offer better data protection and transparency to users.

7. Interactive and Immersive Content:

● Engagement through Interactivity: The future of SEO might see a greater
emphasis on interactive and immersive content, such as quizzes, polls, and
interactive videos, to boost user engagement and retention.

8. Integration of Blockchain Technology:

● Decentralised Web and SEO: The integration of blockchain technology could give
rise to a more decentralised web, influencing how SEO strategies are developed,
especially in terms of data integrity and transparency.


In 2024, it’s evident that the search engine optimisation industry is undergoing a
significant transformation. This year has highlighted the growing importance of various
factors ranging from the integration of advanced technologies like AI and voice search
to the emphasis on user experience and sustainability.
The rise of platforms like TikTok has underscored the evolving nature of content
consumption, prompting a shift in how we approach content creation and distribution
for SEO. The integration of AI in SEO practices, from automated keyword research to

content generation, has opened up new avenues for efficiency and effectiveness, while
also bringing forth ethical considerations.
The expanded E-E-A-T framework has set a new standard for content quality, stressing
the importance of experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. This
development highlights the need for content that is not only informative but also
authentic and user-focused.

Voice search optimisation has become more crucial with the proliferation of
voice-activated devices, demanding content that caters to conversational and natural
language queries. Similarly, the significance of local SEO has been amplified, particularly
for businesses seeking to capture and engage with a local audience effectively.
Video content has risen as a key component of SEO strategies, with platforms like
YouTube and TikTok offering vast opportunities for visibility and engagement. The
interplay between user experience and SEO has been another focal point, emphasizing
the need for websites that are not just informative but also intuitive and user-friendly.

Sustainability has emerged as a noteworthy aspect, reflecting a broader societal shift
towards environmental consciousness and ethical business practices. This trend has
seen brands integrating sustainability into their SEO strategies to enhance their
reputation and connect with a value-driven audience.
In conclusion, adapting to these trends is crucial for future success in digital marketing.
Staying abreast of these developments, embracing new technologies and practices, and
continuously refining SEO strategies in line with these changes are essential steps for
businesses and SEO professionals. The ability to adapt and evolve with these trends will
be a defining factor in the effectiveness and success of SEO efforts in the years to

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