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3 min read

Why Title Tags are Important In SEO

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Title tags are important because they let readers know what information will be present when a user clicks on a page.

First of all, what is a title tag?

Title tags are important because they let readers know what information will be present when a user clicks on a page. The little bar at the top of the tab you’re open that has some text in it is where the title page is visible to visitors of that page.

They are important for the search engines for the same reason, except they also function to determine the relevancy of the web page as a result of a search query. For this reason, they are MASSIVE within SEO. When Google decides whether your page is what people are looking for when they search a particular term or keyword, the algorithm will crawl your pages and look at various things before making a decision to rank you for the search term in question.

So, know you know they are important, how do you know what to put in your title tags?


The most important part. If you’re selling a product on an e-commerce site, the name of the product will be what people search for. The same goes for whatever the point of your site is. If you offer a service, the service will need to be in the title. Whatever the purpose of the page is will be the keywords you want to rank for when someone searches. Utilise this to make your title’s feature whatever keyword or words will highlight your product the most.


Don’t overdo it. Too many keywords all crammed into a title tag will confuse google as well as your potential customer visiting the page and do the opposite of the desired effect. Google can easily recognize keyword stuffing and may change the title of your web page if it feels you’re just throwing different variations of a keyword into it.  Google can easily recognize keyword stuffing and may change the title of your web page if it feels you’re just throwing different variations of a keyword into it.

Example: Car Dealership For Car Sales: A Car Dealership Sales Team for Selling Cars So You Can have a Nice Car | Car Dealership

A simple, “Car Dealership,” with further, separate information such as your location “| Romford” would certainly suffice here.

For experts who can use multiple specialised tools to know which keywords would be best for your title tags, get in touch today!

What to avoid!

Other than cramming keywords, you should also avoid using ‘Stop Words’ in your title tags.

A stop word can be any of the following:










Sometimes it might not seem possible to have a title tag without stop words, but if you try different combinations of the same title, you can find them. Often a | or ‘pipe’ is a great way of separating information in a title tag.

This is especially relevant for e-commerce pages that may feature a lot of similar products. Be sure to give each page as unique a title as possible to ensure you’re most desired pages are SEO optimized for their corresponding queries. If you have a lot of similar products for sale on your site, use the title tags to highlight what makes them different. For a bespoke service for your E-commerce site, read our SEO For Ecommerce page.

The last thing to consider is the length of your title tags. Title tags that are too long won’t be looked favourably on by Google and could affect visibility, rankings and in turn, conversions. All title tags must be below 70 characters to optimise to their potential and should include the product or service name first before the company or site name if you choose to include it.

Seem a lot to take in? Overwhelmed trying to keep up? Think it will take the important time you could be doing other things within your business?

Get in touch today. We have leading experts who can adjust your title tags across your site based on their in-depth keyword research and strategic development. Title tags are just the beginning. Read our SEO Page to find out what the whole of our service offers!

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Michael Ryan

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